The PTO helps helps our school purchase technology, programs and materials that are not in the school budget.
How it's done...
Teachers, families and local businesses work together to accomplish these goals by:
- Eating out on Falcon Family Feast Nights
- Adopting A Falcon
- Purchasing Spirit Wear
- Shopping at certain local and national retailers that give back to our school such as box tops & the nugget market
- Participating in seasonal fundraisers
- Don't have the time or energy to participate in the school activities? No problem- Just send us a donation via Venmo @always_a_falcon
New Ideas?
If you have new fundraising ideas, please contact the PTO Board at
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Friday, March 21
- Wednesday, March 26
- Friday, April 4