Foulks Ranch PTO
The Foulks Ranch Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is made up of hard-working parents, teachers & administrators who pool their talents to provide practical support & fundraising opportunities for our school. Those listed below have volunteered to provide leadership for the 2024-2025 school year. Get to know their names and faces, and feel free to ask them if you have questions or feedback.
The PTO funds all of these essential programs for our school including:
- Accelerated Reader
- Art Docent
- Classroom Supplies
- Field Trips
- Librarian Salary & Library Supplies
- Special Requests and SO MUCH MORE!
Promote and provide assistance for the quality educational program at Foulks Ranch Elementary.
- Provide teachers, staff and students with programs, events, and materials that enhance the curriculum and encourage school spirt.
- Provide financial assistance for the activities and services beyond what is provided by the school district, in accordance with current acceptable school policy.
- Enhance the relationship between and foster communication among parents/guardians, children, teachers, staff, elected school officials and the community.
President |
![]() Ashley Bonnington Vice President |
![]() Aishia Kindig Recording Secretary |
Alma Rodriguez Treasurer |
2024 -2025
Foulks Ranch Elementary
Board of Directors |
Executive Board Positions
Each Executive Board position is for one school year. Each position is up for re-election at the end of each school year and may be held by an individual for no more than two terms.
President: The primary duty of the President shall be to oversee the business affairs of the PTO and to coordinate PTO activities with the other officers, special committees/chairpersons, and the Principal of Foulks Ranch Elementary School. The President shall set the agenda and preside over all regular and special meetings. The President shall have all newsletters, flyers, or notices approved through the proper protocols, prior to proceeding with distribution. The President shall perform all duties necessary to the office of the President and any other duties as may be assigned.
Vice President: The Vice President shall act as an aide to the President, performing any such duties delegated by the President. The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in case of vacancy or for such periods as the President may be unable to perform his/her official duties. When so acting, the Vice President shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the President. The Vice President shall perform all duties necessary to the office of the Vice Presidency and any other duties as may be assigned.
Recording Secretary: The Recording Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all meetings. In the event of absence, the President shall arrange for another officer to record the meeting minutes. Minutes and other documents from all meetings shall be available within seven days for Board review. The Recording Secretary shall be the custodian of the records of the PTO, including the Bylaws, agendas, meeting minutes, and correspondence. The Recording Secretary shall work with the Communications Secretary to conduct PTO-related correspondence as requested by the President, such as thank you letters, donation request letters, etc. and perform all duties necessary to the office of Recording Secretary and any other duties that may be assigned.
Treasurer: The Treasurer shall have custody of and be responsible for all PTO monies. The Treasurer shall create and deliver statements for monies due and payable to the PTO. and deposit all such monies in the name of the PTO, in a timely manner, in such bank/depository as selected by the PTO. He/she shall keep an accurate record of all financial transactions, and shall present all records in a monthly report at each Board meeting and a monthly report to an outside auditor. The Treasurer shall, in general, perform all duties necessary to the office of the Treasurer and any other duties that may be assigned.
Communications Secretary: The Communications Secretary shall manage communications and marketing for the PTO, its fundraisers and event. These communications shall include, but are not limited to, PTO newsletters, email broadcasts, websites, Facebook and other signage around the school. The Communications Secretary will also work with the Recording Secretary to conduct PTO-related correspondence as requested by the President, such as thank-you letters, donation request letters, etc. Prior to publication, all information (newsletters, event flyers, etc.) must first be approved by the PTO President and school principal. He/she will perform all duties necessary to the office of Communications Secretary and other duties that may be assigned.
Interested in joining the board or being a committee chair? Contact us!
2024-2025 PTO President's Letter
Dear Foulks Ranch Elementary families,
It is my honor and privilege to serve as President of the Foulks Ranch PTO for the 2024-2025 school year. I’ve been a parent here since 2022, and I started my involvement with the PTO in 2023. I have previously served as Recording Secretary on the PTO Board and as chairperson for the Silent Auction and raffle at the Fall Festival.
I see the PTO’s mission as enriching the experience at Foulks Ranch for students, staff, and families. To that end, I want to make sure that we are creating the space for a more open conversation between the PTO Board and our Foulks Ranch community. My next goal for this year is to deliver on the feedback we received from families last year. I’m looking forward to delivering the same great events like the Fall Festival and bringing new events like Bingo Night to the school.
I look forward to working with you to provide the best possible experience for our children while they’re at Foulks Ranch Elementary. Please feel free to send me your thoughts via email at or at any of our PTO meetings (6pm on the last Wednesday of the month), where I sincerely hope to see you and hear from you.
Jon Wainwright
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Friday, March 21
- Wednesday, March 26
- Friday, April 4